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in Scranton
For nearly 15 years Shane primarily handled criminal cases that stemmed from substance abuse issues. Approximately 70 percent of the criminal case load in Lackawanna County is as a result of substance abuse or mental health issues. As the former District Attorney for Lackawanna County, Shane Scanlon personally supervised the acceptance of individuals into all of Lackawanna County’s specialty courts and diversionary programs. During Shane’s almost 15 years in the District Attorney’s Office he helped to establish and refine most of Lackawanna County’s specialty court programs. Shane also had the benefit of traveling throughout the state and portions of our Country to learn about the structure and benefit of many of the specialty courts and programs available to persons accused of crimes.
If you or a family member is suffering with substance abuse and is facing criminal charges call Shane Scanlon Law today toll free at 1.833.722.6566.

Call now 1.833.722.6566
Many people look at an arrest as the worst possible thing that can happen. In all actuality, an arrest can be an opportunity for a new beginning.
Often, individuals would like to find sobriety but just cannot do it on their own. The legal system can offer external motivation to help an individual work toward sobriety. Today, more than ever, the criminal justice system has a much greater understanding of substance abuse. People who find themselves in trouble with the law can often find leniency if they work a program toward sobriety.
While District Attorney, Shane and his team created an initiative called Heroin Hits Home. The initiative was launched in response to the unprecedented opioid epidemic that was ravaging our community. The program was welcomed in almost every school district and university in Lackawanna County. Additionally, some larger companies and religious organizations hosted Heroin Hits Home presentations for the community. The website, is a good resource for individuals with questions about substance abuse. Another good resource is
Call Shane Scanlon Law Today
If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges as a result of substance abuse please call Shane Scanlon Law toll free at 1.833.722.6566.